Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My newest Doily Earrings

Here they are:

I have these in more colors at my Etsy shop.

There are the Blue Zircon, Mint Julip, Bejewelled, Dark Red Coral Beach, Malachite, Mauve Rose, Apple Green and Silver, Tanzanite & Citrus...... can you tell which is which?


PinkPoochDesigns said...

Oh, they are all so beautiful. I love all the color combinations :O)

Jean Hutter said...

Ann these are just wonderful - I have just started making earrings and they are really fun to make - I especially like the red pair.

Susan Clinkscales said...

Ann - these are gorgeous!! I've always loved these earrings. I'm so glad you showed all of the photos together - the colors are beautiful.

Marlaine said...

You have really been busy! They are beautiful!

Dawn N said...

What great colors! They are gorgeous!

retrothreads said...

Those are darling. I couldn't pick a favorite.

Kathy said...

I just love your doilies. You do such a great job on them.

Anonymous said...

The above displayed jearring is pretty good. They are also trendy and fashionable. There is one excellent site for latest fashionable diamond, gold, pearl and gemstone earrings
ie www.b2cjewels.com.